Ethos and Values

Ethos and Values


“Together we care, we learn and we achieve”

All children leave our school with the essential skills they need to be successful life-long learners and well-rounded, caring individuals. Our provision equips children for positive change, growth and personal development.

We provide a challenging, creative and engaging curriculum built on caring and trusting relationships. We are passionate about creating lively, purposeful learning so all children achieve and gain confidence, pride and belonging.

We foster a safe, secure happy setting based on trusting relationships, high expectations and positive attitudes for future growth. Our school is a calm and purposeful environment based on mutual respect and personal ambition. Our staff are committed to ensuring every child
succeeds and is a happy, confident and curious learner.

Through continual improvement we create a thriving learning culture for all in our school family.


  • We work with our families to help all children enjoy leaps in learning progress.
  • Much of our learning is social and very interactive.
  • We develop oracy, self-expression and skills for shared learning.
  • Adults as well as children thrive through working in teams, sharing best practice and striving for improvement. We work together with other agencies and local schools too.

We Care

  • We build secure and trusting relationships starting every day with personal chats and smiles.
  • Personal development is at the heart of our curriculum, building positive behaviour.
  • Strong commitment and high ambition enable children to grow in confidence.
  • Our calm and consistent learning environments are full of inviting and effective supports.

We Learn

We want children to be curious and questioning as they explore and respond to real challenges in their learning. So:

  • Children are taught key knowledge, skills and learning attitudes
  • Children are self-motivated and have personal ambition
  • Children develop ‘staying power’ in responding to challenge
  • Children’s social skills enable collaborative learning
  • Children thrive; they make strong progress and achievement.
  • Children enjoy school and are keen to take responsibility

We Achieve

  • Achievement is personal and special.