Support for Parents

Support for Parents

Family Support at Cupernham Infant School:

We are here to offer support and guidance and a non-judgmental listening ear to all parents/carers of the children at our school. Our Family and Child Support Co-ordinator, Mrs Catherine Richards is here to help. If you ever have any questions, worries, or ideas about how we can better support your child, then please do not hesitate to contact her. You can always catch her at school on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or you can email her at  She is always happy to have a chat!

Further information can be found at:

Support can mean different things to different people and the school recognises that an individual’s needs change all the time, due to many reasons. It may be that you require some support with areas such as: school attendance/lateness, school transition, behaviour, wellbeing and mental health, confidence and self-esteem building.


To arrange a meeting or a phone call please contact the school on or 01794 514494 and Mrs Richards our Child and Family Support Worker will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible. If your request is urgent then please contact Mr Wells,  Headteacher or Mrs Turski, Deputy Headteacher as soon as possible.

Further Information Can Be Found In Our Useful Links Below:

We can help in many ways:

Support for Parents/Carers
  • 1-1’s
  • Meetings in school or at home
  • Access to useful resources on the school’s website
  • Telephone contact
  • E-mail contact
  • Signposting to information about what help and support is available in the local area
  • Helping to gain access and support from outside agencies
  • Holding regular coffee mornings to enable parents to meet up informally
  • One off workshops around a particular topic of interest
Support for Children
  • To continue to develop good relationships
  • To continue to meet their social and emotional needs
  • To continue to work directly with them on a 1:1 basis or in small group
  • To listen to them and offer emotional support
  • To provide support for children experiencing difficulties in school or at home
  • To extend the ELSA role
  • To help with transition at any point, in both Year R and moving from Infants to Juniors and for all new entrants to our school

Mental Health disclaimer: Please remember – if you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health emergency crisis or someone you know are at immediate risk of harming themselves or others, then please ring 999. If you or someone you know are experiencing a crisis and need urgent mental health support, please call 111 or visit and speak to the NHS Mental Health Triage Service.