Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Our Vision at Cupernham Infant School

We are ready, respectful and safe, and together we care, we learn and we achieve.

Every child is a unique child who is curious, constantly learning and can be resilient, independent, motivated and self-assured.

Our school community works together to build positive and trusting relationships ensuring each individual has a sense of pride and belonging. Through our lively, challenging and creative curriculum, we enable our children to achieve, flourish and be ready, respectful and safe in a caring and happy environment.

We are ready, respectful and safe, and together we care, we learn and we achieve.




Our Curriculum Drivers

At Cupernham Infant School, we are ready, respectful and safe and together we care, we learn and we achieve. Our children are given space indoors and outdoors where they can be active or quiet and engage in sensory exploration developing their sense of community, health and wellbeing, communication and adventure whilst recognising the importance of developing both their body and brain.

Our bespoke curriculum is designed around a number of themes which encompass the key skills we wish to develop in our pupils; these are called ‘drivers’ as they drive the planning and implementation of our curriculum so that the children’s success is at the heart of all that we do.

As a school, we have identified five key areas that will act as the drivers for our curriculum. These have been selected through consultation with staff who have identified the specific and unique needs of the children at Cupernham Infant School.

Health & Wellbeing:

Our children are healthy both physically and mentally. Through our curriculum we will help the children to develop the physical and mental strength to be successful and happy. We recognise the importance of our children developing both their brains and body and control of their muscles and physical co-ordination. We plan for opportunities to acquire and ember skills which enable them to access our curriculum. Our children will:

  • Feel safe
  • Have a sense of belonging
  • Articulate how they are feeling and manage their feelings and behaviour
  • Dream big and have an “I can” attitude, Recognising and celebrating their achievements
  • Understand that mistakes help to learn and grow
  • Acquire life long learning skills
  • Develop their skills for success
  • Become independent learners
  • Make healthy choices
  • Be aware of their bodies and be physically active
  • Notice what is happening right now, how their body feels using their senses
  • Demonstrate strength, balance, co-ordination and stamina, negotiating space and obstacles safely
  • Move energetically by running, jumping, hopping, dancing, skipping and climbing
  • Develop their small muscles to control their hands, fingers, lips, tongues and eyes to help them to eat, sleep, write, manipulate objects an to get dressed


We are passionate about our children becoming confident communicators and attentive listeners. Through modelling, experiences and the development of key vocabulary, we will widen their language and encourage talk in all areas of learning. Our children will:

  • Be able to communicate Ready, Respectful and Safe
  • Be listened to
  • Be good listeners
  • Be a confident talker
  • Respect others view points and opinions
  • Ask questions
  • Know they have a voice
  • Experience high quality texts
  • Hold conversation when involved in back and forth exchanges with a member of our school family.
  • Participate in 1:1 sm gp, and class discussions offering their own ideas using recently introduced vocabulary.
  • Express thri ideas and feelings about their experience using full sentences including use of past, present and future tense.
  • Offer explanations about why things might happen.
  • Making links with prior learning


We want our children to open their eyes to the world, engaging in purposeful experiences that will develop their imagination and curiosity; knowing that anything is possible. Our Children will:

  • Be risk takers
  • Be resilient
  • Bounce back after challenges
  • Be given opportunities for open ended play to encourage curiosity and exploration into the unknown
  • Actively seek possibilities within and beyond the classroom
  • Investigate and deepen their understanding of natural changes happening all around them
  • Explore the outdoors come rain or shine
  • Be aware of limits, boundaries and challenge in their play
  • Be imaginative, following their own interests and line of enquiry


We want our children to develop a sense of pride in themselves and their environment and show respect for others, celebrating diversity and being inclusive. Our children will:

  • Will know they belong in the Cupernham Family
  • Have the opportunity to share their own experiences and cultures with others
  • Be sensitive and responsive to others needs, feelings and interests
  • Know that I am special and unique and be proud to be who they are!
  • Celebrate and share their own and others achievements; big or small
  • Care for one another
  • Respect their own and others belonging
  • Solve problems collaboratively


We want our children to develop a sense of pride for their own environment.  We want them to show respect for the environment and gain a greater understanding of the wider world. Our children will be given space indoors and outdoors within our school environment where they can be active or quiet and engage in sensory exploration developing their sense of health and wellbeing, communication and adventure.  Our children will:

  • Explore their local environment.
  • Appreciate the environment in which they live.
  • Identify changes in out local environment over time, including through changing seasons.
  • Take care of our local environment and the wider world around us.
  • Develop an appreciation of the environment and its relationship to their worlds.
  • Understand the part they play in the worlds future.

Within the Early Years our curriculum and provision is supported by:

  • Cupernham Infant School’s aspirations and drivers
  • Key educational programmes including Little Wandles
  • Non Statutory Early Year Guidance
  • Characteristics of Effective Learning
  • Memorable moments and experiences
  • Celebrating the unique child

Within Key Stage 1 our curriculum and provision is supported by:

  • Cupernham Infant School’s aspirations and drivers
  • National Curriculum
  • Key educational programmes including Little Wandles
  • Memorable moments and experiences
  • Celebrating the unique child

Evaluation of Curriculum:

  • Every child is expected to make strong progress and we aim for high achievement both in core subjects but also in the wider curriculum.
  • Everyone feels valued and is aware of both personal strengths and development needs.
  • We are open and responsive learners which means taking risks, making mistakes and showing resilience to find new solutions. This is evident in the impact of school improvement.
  • Our children are generally happy and confident. They show pride and personal engagement in school life and they know they are valued as individuals.