School Uniform

School Uniform

Please refer to our School Uniform Policy.

Our School uniform colours are royal blue, white and grey, to be worn both in school and when representing the school at off-site school venues (unless otherwise advised). Wearing school uniform helps develop pride in our school community and gives the children a feeling of belonging. It also saves you time in the morning!

Generic electric blue sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces can be worn with grey trousers, skirts, shorts or light blue gingham dresses.  All uniform items can be generic or alternatively you can buy logo uniform items from Skoolkit. Both new and old logo uniform can be worn until September 2024.  Preloved uniform items can be purchased via our PTA group FOCUS at: FOCUS Pre-Loved Uniform


Winter Summer
  • Grey trousers, dress or skirt
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or white socks or grey, blue or white tights
  • Black shoes
  • Wellies to be kept in school
  • Grey shorts, trousers, skirt or dress
  • Blue & white striped or gingham dress.
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or white socks or grey, blue or white tights
  • Black shoes or sandals

Footwear should be safe for all daily school activities so open toed sandals/clogs and backless shoes are not appropriate. We ask for your child to have a pair of wellies kept in school to take advantage of our extensive grounds and outdoor learning activities! Trainers should not be worn on a daily basis.

PE Kit

For PE: generic dark shorts, white t-shirt, dark jogging bottoms, a sweatshirt, short socks and plimsolls/trainers are needed for both indoor and outdoor PE (plimsolls not essential) and should be kept in a named drawstring bag in school. Please tie long hair back on known PE days.


You will be able to purchase logo uniform items directly from SkoolKit: 

  • From their shops (Eastleigh or Totton), or by telephoning 02380 647421 or online.

Pre-loved Uniform

Preloved uniform items can be purchased via our PTA group FOCUS.  Old logo uniform will still be available to buy until September 2024. Please order on their order page at: FOCUS Pre-Loved Uniform